Thursday, August 27, 2009


So as you may know, Coulter has pretty bad legs. As in, he's got eczema to the worst degree-- from my stand point! We do things a little differently with him to keep it "under control". Ya know, like the scent free laundry soap, no soap in the bath (except for his hair at times), and special lotions for his flare-ups-- just to name a few! If they hurt him pretty bad he'll ask, "lotion on?", "kiss mommy?" or something else to soothe the pain.

Well, as I was loading the kids up to head to SF for the morning, Coy and I were outside and noticed a bug. A green bug that looked like a leaf. Pretty unique. I yelled inside for Coulter to come and see! He loves bugs! Loves them to the point of giving them a kiss. Seriously. He'll bend down to the ground and plant a big wet one on them. Whatever. Fine with me.

Coy and I noticed that it must have been hurt because it really didn't move fast. Fast enough. Coy for sure wanted to get his hands on it--ya know probably to see what it tasted like. I moved it away from Coy, showed Coulter and we all went back into the house to get things ready to go. 5 minutes later I am putting Coy in his car seat and Coulter asks, "Bug go?" I told him he hopped away. Coulter says, "No mommy, bug!" Coulter obviously spotted it out in the driveway. His eyesight is amazing but that is another story. "Oh yup, there's the bug! Good eye buddy!" I tell him. As I now buckle up Coulter I tell him, "That bug didn't move very fast, I think he hurt his legs." Coulter asks, "Mommy, bug lotion on?"

Oh my dear sweet Coulter!


Stephanie M said...

AHHHHH that is so cute! Oh coco!

Tabitha said...

Adi has this too and I read on a nutrionist's website that extra Omega 3 fatty acids are needed: so he could snack on almonds, have tuna or salmon salad sandwhiches/dips, flax seed stirred into oatmeal or yogurt, etc. I also found a kid's Omega 3 supplement I give to Adi daily. It's been about a week now and we've seen a noticeable difference. We'll see how it continues...good luck!