Wednesday, January 9, 2008

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Clue #2: Another View


4under3 said...

Hmmmm..I have been thinking all morning..and just can't put my finger on it. Gah! I don't even have a guess at it....waiting for the next clue.

Stephanie M said...

what the heck...? it looks like cotton linters... rubbed on a pice of old wood. or is it something from under a couch. did Coulter find it?

Stacey said...

Thank you for clue is coming. Someone has got to get this!!

Stephanie M said...

I am sitting here with jennifer
Israel says "it's turkey...smeared dried turkey."
Jennifer says..."it's the fibers of a diaper after you have removed the rippey part.. then you drag a fork through it and wrap some strings around it."
these are the guesses..before they have looked any further...
i just so wanted to see what she thought...