Thursday, April 9, 2009

Six Pack

I have been loving this dressing lately and had to share. Have you had it?
A friend of mine got me hooked! So good. As you can see on the bottle it is a dressing and a marinade--so many scrumptious ways to devour!
I love it on a salad with chicken, scallions, Mandarin oranges & crunchy wontons. I love it on a sandwich--peppered turkey breast, Muenster cheese and lettuce. Or even as Coulter eats it, as a dip for his jicama, carrots and basically everything else! Yup, even apples. Not my first choice though.
Really you must try it! Let me know what you think.
And if you didn't see that hidden message, I think if consumed you get a six-pack. Sa-weet!


Shelly said...

I'm long till I get my 6 pack??

Angie said...

Yep--I've got some in my frig right now! I agree--it's very yummy. Just tried some light raspberry of the same brand last week and that was fab as well!

Sarah said...

Haven't tried this kind of dressing yet - but i have a feeling i wouold like it! Thanks for the recommendationi